Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Recently Seen on the Compiègne Marlins Baseball Homepage

Fin de saison 2008
Pour conclure la saison outdoor 2008, les Marlins 2 ont reçu les Webs de Noisy-le-Grand ce samedi 18 octobre.Ils s'imposent 11-7 en 7 manches. Du côté des lanceurs compiègnois, on a pu voir A. Couillet (3manches), R. Plusch (2 manches) et S. Ferry (2 manches).Les Webs avaient pris l'avantage mais pour peu de temps. Les Compiègnois marquent rapidement 3 points pour reprendre la tête et ne plus la lâcher.On a pu voir aussi les débuts de T. Mega, qui fait son 1er RBI, et J. Guiar.L'équipe était renforcé par J. Skrym, un américain récemment installé à Compiègne.Une coupe a été remise à l'équipe de Compiègne par les Webs. Ce trophée sera remis en jeu à chaque rencontre des 2 équipes.Merci aussi à JF. Labouze pour avoir arbitré cette rencontre.

End of 2008 Season
To conclude the 2008 outdoor season, the Marlins 2 hosted the Webs of Noisy-le-Grand on Saturday 18 October. The score was 11-7 through 7 innings as Compiégne's pitchers were able to seal the deal. Couillet (pitched 3 innings ), R. Plüsch (2 innings) and S. Ferry (2 innings). The Webs had the advantage, but only for a short time. Compiégne quickly put up 3 points to take the lead and never looked back. The game also saw the beginnings of T. Mega, who made his 1st RBI, and J. Guiar. The team was strengthened by J. Skrym, an American who recently moved to Compiègne. A cup was awarded to Compiegne by the Webs. This trophy will be held by the Marlins untill the next match between these two teams when its ownership will again be decided . Also thank you to JF. Labouze who organized this meeting.
*Note: I didn't make it into the picture. It is from earlier in the year

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