Thursday, September 25, 2008

Van Gogh's Ear

Since Chris and I are going to be out of town this coming weekend, we realized on Saturday that the weekend was going to be my last in Milwaukee. One thing I really wanted to do before leaving was to see the Milwaukee Art Museum. I know that sounds rather strange, and most people would only make that statement in order to impress, but I think that I've honestly had a curiosity about art for some time. With the last four years of my life infused with rigid, mathmatical, quantitative, problem solving, art has been something that has rather baffled me because 1 - I'm not innately talented in that area and 2 - the concept of a thing that is so purely subjective and undefinable is so contrary to my first inclinations. So, Jamie's philosphy aside, I was led by curiosity to explore what Milwaukee had to offer.

I was not sure quite what to expect as my first art museum experiences had been at the la Louvre and la Musée d'Orsé in Paris and the Smithsonian in D.C. - probably spoiling me. But I was pleasantly surpised by what the Cheese State had to offer. They didn't have an abundance of art in any one genre but spread the board quite well. I haven't seen much modern art, so that was an experience for me. But in general I had quite a good time. I still think my preference lies with the late 19th century impressionists (primarily French). But before you roll your eyes and click the little "x" in the top right hand corner of the page in lieu of reading any further BS, let me justify myself and you'll probably see that I'm not much farther along than any other engineer lost at an art museum. I like this period of painting 1. for its use of vivid colors that represent life in a fresh way 2. for the pixelated technique that Cezzane and more famously Van Gogh brought about - It looks rather easy and simple at first glance from afar, but so complex up close and 3. simply because the cast of characters that painted them - Van Gogh chopped off his ear giving it to a female - for crying out loud! ...need I say more?

So if you're still reading this (you are a true friend and have the patience of Job): The Cliff Notes version is that Chris and I completed our Saturday evening by enjoying ourselves on the town and had a marvelous weekend...I even bought a book about the man who chopped off his ear...

1 comment:

Robert Pye said...

Everything you say is trying to impress someone... Some might call this spitting game.
