Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Bean Ball and Other Fine Points of the Game

Yes, I've played the American national pastime for most of life. But growing up there was always one aspect of the game that scared me - getting hit by the ball in the batters box. And I'm sure "wearing one" is a fear that is shared by many a young ball player. When you think about it, it makes a bit sense: growing up your mother always told you to play with balls outside and away from windows and other people. That is fairly logical. Baseballs have some mass and are quite hard, and kids tend to lack the motor skills necessary to have pinpoint control. So at what point does stepping 12 inches away from the hopeful target of the "Big Bobby's" errant fastball sound like a good idea? And considering the size of a typical little league umpire's strikezone (it isn't too inside unless it hits you), and that shots from the doctor still made me cry, I don't think this fear was unjustified.

Somewhere between these early years and late high school, the fear of stepping into the batters box began to fade for various reasons. But for me, I began to turn into a bean ball magnet. I consistently got hit more than anyone else on the high school team. And this trend didn't end in college where even though I didn't start every game, I led the team in the HBP category and could practically wear a jersey with a target on it during batting practice. During a summer league game, I still hold the "honor" of getting hit twice in the same at bat and still striking out (you don't get to take first base when you purposefully "lean into one" - well, most of the time :) ).

Well, just to confirm to those faithful fans back home that things still haven't changed, follow the pictures below.

So French Nationale 1 pitchers beware: if its a tight game and we need base runners, don't throw that weak-sauce 60 mile an hour "spinner" inside cause I'll gratefully lean over the plate to "wear one" for the sake of the team.


1 comment:

Robert Pye said...

This is my favorite post by far, way to take it for the team. Nothing like a little physical contact, even if it is not directly with the opponent.